We are Daniel and Breanne. We're best friends, native Coloradans, husband and wife, and travel companions. In September 2016, we married in the Tillamook State Forest surrounded in love by our closest humans. Following that beautiful weekend and settling down in Portland, it didn't take us long to realize that working 9 to 5 and climbing the career ladder wasn't how we wanted to spend our days. We both believe that we'll treasure our travel memories until we're old and grey, so we decided to start young.
In September 2017, we sold the majority of our belongings, packed our backpacks, and boarded a one-way flight to India. Since then, we've traveled slowly through Southeast Asia, ridden motorbikes in the Himalaya Mountains, lived in Vietnam for a couple of months, seen more beaches than we can count, and traveled south to north through South America. In early 2020, we spent three months slowly traveling Mexico and eating our weight in tacos before the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the world.
Since then, we've welcomed our son Indy into the world. Our goals have shifted a little bit, with our little one in tow, and we're now focused on showing other families how rewarding traveling with kids is. This past year, we spent nearly the entire year galavanting around Guatemala, Europe, and Southeast Asia with Indy. We're pretty sure that he has more passport stamps at age two than either of us did our first 25 years of life!
Bre carries a degree in interior design and architecture and loves color, patterns, and plants. She loves to paint the places we travel to as a unique way of remembering our journey. Daniel has a degree in public health and works to improve health conditions for communities around Colorado. He's passionate about helping youth, closing equity gaps, and diving deeply into cultures around the world.
Our goal of The Love & Adventure is to show you that the world isn't as scary as the media makes it out to be. We have found beauty and smiling faces everywhere we've traveled. We're here as a resource and to encourage you to live your authentic truth -- whatever that may be. In addition to producing travel content, we are committed to showing our readers why we call Colorado home. As many times as we've moved away from Colorado, those Rocky Mountains keep calling us back and we've come to realize that Colorado will probably always be our home.
If you like what you see and are interested in commercial opportunities, see our work with us page here.