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Oct 17, 2018
paracas & huacachina
Long before visiting Peru, we were well aware of an oasis called Huacachina in the middle of the desert that looks truly otherworldly and...

Oct 14, 2018
the textile & cultural village of pisac
While in Cusco, we journeyed to Pisac for two reasons: to see the Incan ruins and to shop one of the best handmade textiles markets in...

Oct 9, 2018
Before traveling to Cusco, we heard both of these statements on the regular: "we fell in love with Cusco and want to move there" or...

Oct 4, 2018
salineras de maras
Spoiler alert: you don't need to join a tour to see this magical destination. Why? Because it's easily accessible and much more fun to...

Sep 28, 2018
a journey to machu picchu
Machu Picchu is arguably one of the most magical, mystical places on Earth. In fact, it's hard to believe that such a place even exists...
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